Social Security Admin from Richardson 9724971400 / +19724971400

Types of call: Trustworthy number
Caller Name: Social Security Admin more...
Ratings: 81 (deleted: 1)
Search requests: 32161
Assessment: neutral, slightly positive, call is harmless to neutral
Latest comment (8/16/23, 12:32 PM)

Dusty wrote: This was a valid call from Social Security reminding me of an scheduled phone call I have with them ... all ratings

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Details about this number

City: Richardson - USA, Canada
Telephone number: 972497-1400
Phone number +19724971400 from Richardson tagged as Trustworthy number 33 times.

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Calls from 9724971400 - Expert analysis

Evaluations from the tellows community suggest that the number is used by the Social Security Administrator. The comments point out that the number is safe, and the main reports are that users have received automated calls with reminders about appointments they have made. If you have not made an appointment with SSA, please ignore the call. If you have any questions, please contact the official support number.
tellows Team
tellows Team
tellows Team - Experts for consumer protection and telecommunication

tellows score for +19724971400

Distribution of call types and caller names in reviews

Types of call:
Trustworthy number
33 reports
21 reports
Harassment calls
4 reports
SMS spam
3 reports
3 reports
Caller Name:
Social Security Admin
63 reports
1 reports
Phone number +19724971400 from Richardson tagged as Trustworthy number 33 times: It's SSA confirming an appointment. Not ... 32161 searches on tellows, the online anti-spam community

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Who calls with 9724971400?

  1. 6

    deathtopaulw reported Social Security Admin with the number ‎9724971400 as Trustworthy number

    11/10/14, 11:02 AM

    It's SSA confirming an appointment. Not evil.

    anonymous replied 10/12/17, 3:39 PM
    it might have been true in 2014, but today, 12 October 2017, it's not true.
    It's a scam/spam call.
    The number is listed to a private individual and has probably been spoofed.
    I received a call from the number and have no dealings with Social Security at present.

  2. 2

    Victoria reported Social Security Admin with the number ‎+19724971400 as Trustworthy number

    2/23/18, 2:20 PM

    Just got a call from this number. I always key the number into Google while the phone is ringing. It was from Social Security with an automated reminder of our appointment on Monday. We have an appointment, I received reminder, all is well.

  3. 1

    djAZ reported number ‎9724971400 as Social Security Admin

    11/27/19, 2:35 PM

    This call from 9724971400 is NOT LEGIT. Social Security only sends written communication requesting you call them and gives a case number to reference. This is a spoofed number and a total scam! Beware.

    Vicki E Hesseltine replied 12/8/20, 3:59 PM

  4. 1

    Social Security Admin has been reported with number ‎9724971400 as Trustworthy number

    7/2/19, 11:59 AM

    SSA reminding me to send in form I recently received (or go online to submit)if I need help paying for drugs.

  5. 1

    Lildval reported Social Security Admin with the number ‎9724971400 as Trustworthy number

    12/17/18, 9:32 AM

    SS calling with appointment reminder. Automated. Might be piggybacked by other scammers acting like SS and Disability "Advocates". System is hacked.

  6. 1

    Steve L reported Social Security Admin with the number ‎+19724971400 as Trustworthy number

    11/1/18, 1:26 PM

    972-497-1400 just called my gf's phone it was a legit call from ssa reminding her of a court date it seems me this number is both legit and a scam what i mean is this is a real number that ssa uses to remind ppl of their apts and it is also used by scammers ssa will not ask for your personal info unless its a real person the call we got was just an automated reminder said press 1 to confirm and 2 to deny receipt of message my advice is double check with ssa when you get called by this number and do not give out personal info unless its a real English speaking person

  7. 1

    Eva reported Social Security Admin with the number ‎+19724971400 as Trustworthy number

    1/24/18, 2:13 PM

    This is a legitimate call from the Social Security Dept reminding me of my appointment with them. Left a voice message withe the time and date of my appointment which I had scheduled.

    emrdrd replied 1/26/18, 8:53 PM
    This is NOT a legitimate call from Social Security. The first tip off that it's a scam is the Caller ID, which pops up as "American Voice." The Social Security organization does not call to remind people of upcoming appointments. Many times scammers are trying to get you to dial the number they leave, which will allow them to bill foreign telephone calls to your number. Please be careful.
    Mr.Bass replied 2/16/18, 11:05 PM
    yes, it IS from the Social Security office reminding people of upcoming appointments.....i got the call yesterday about an appointment this, yes, they DO call for this!!
    StopSpammers replied 4/3/18, 11:25 AM
    Completely a fake. Even my AT&T app blocked them.
    Barb replied 11/14/19, 3:40 PM
    Absolutely a legitimate call from Social Security. Although they call 4 or 5 times in one day, it is a legitimate number.
    Jeni replied 11/19/19, 6:50 PM
    This is a scam. I have no dealings with the SS department whatsoever and they left a generic message WITH NO NAME in it in regards to returning a form that I never requested nor received. They are hoping you’ll call back or answer so they can get your address and phone number so they “can send you to form again”. Complete scam. Don’t fall for it people.
    k007 replied 9/3/20, 1:23 PM

  8. 1

    Me me reported Social Security Admin with the number ‎9724971400 as Trustworthy number

    8/1/16, 12:47 PM

    This is the Social Security Administration with an automated voice message reminding me about a telephone appointment the following day. They are calling due to my Husband passing. This is a legit number. - 972-497-1400. They also left a call back number in case I had the 'issue' resolved. If anyone is getting scams from this number, the scammers must be piggy backing the SSA number.

    anonymous replied 10/12/17, 3:40 PM
    as of October 2017, this number is listed to a private individual. It's not Social Security any more.
    Cathy replied 11/15/17, 4:08 PM
    I got the call. When I called back said it is a non-working number
    Ncbeechbum replied 10/13/20, 3:20 PM
    As of 10/13/2020, THIS IS NOT A LEGIT NUMBER for SS. I am on SS and after I spoke to the REAL SS they confirmed they do not call and this is a scam. I blocked number. Good luck.

  9. 0

    Dusty reported Social Security Admin with the number ‎9724971400 as Trustworthy number

    8/16/23, 12:32 PM

    This was a valid call from Social Security reminding me of an scheduled phone call I have with them tomorrow.

  10. 0

    Billy C. reported Social Security Admin with the number ‎9724971400 as Trustworthy number

    5/9/23, 3:07 PM

    Recording reminder of an upcoming appt. with SSA.

  11. 0

    Legend Bebe reported Social Security Admin with the number ‎+19724971400 as Trustworthy number

    2/2/23, 11:35 AM

    Social Security, calling to confirm an appointment

  12. 0

    asr reported Social Security Admin with the number ‎+19724971400 as SMS spam

    12/8/21, 6:32 PM

    i don't answer calls that are no known , to let a message , well this call with this number 6724971400 and i did not answer , so this person let a message"yes you should complete the formasp if you need help or questions please call us sstoll free 18007721213 , and the number is in green , it mean if i touch this green number i m death, is like emails spams , to click and it is done ,, i check the 800 number and is ssa but if i call ssa i will dial the numbers never click the number on the message ,, and ssa don't call you , they sent a mail letter with the time and a code that you have to let them know when they call you

  13. 0

    Bonnie reported number ‎+19724971400 as Social Security Admin

    10/19/21, 10:28 AM

    Came up as unknown caller on my cell. No voicemail left (I do not answer unknown callers). I have no appointment with, nor do I need to schedule anything with Social Security. Number blocked and reported as SCAM

  14. 0

    The number ‎+19724971400 has been assigned to Social Security Admin

    3/30/21, 10:26 AM

    Supposedly SS. They sent out a letter with a PA return address, the company they claimed to be is headquartered in Alabama and this is a Texas number. Can everyone say SCAM!!!!

  15. 0

    Defender Hikane reported Social Security Admin with the number ‎+19724971400 as Trustworthy number

    3/2/21, 10:50 AM via Android App

    Phone number and website provided in voicemail matched up. They were referring to letter I should have received for extra assistance with medications. Content of the message seemed legitimate at least.

  16. 0

    no scams! reported number ‎9724971400 as Social Security Admin

    12/16/20, 7:08 PM

    Got a call from this number but no voicemail. In my book if they don't leave a message then they don't need to talk to me. If it was about an appointment it would have left a message. Even if they leave a message I just don't trust 97% of phone calls I get! Be careful!

  17. 0

    LoreeSelmer reported Social Security Admin with the number ‎+19724971400 as Trustworthy number

    12/9/20, 12:25 PM

    Follow up call from Social Security regarding application for help with prescription drug costs I received in the mail a few weeks ago. They left the correct 800 callback number for the Social Security office, not a scam.

  18. 0

    Michael reported Social Security Admin with the number ‎+19724971400 as Trustworthy number

    11/13/20, 3:11 PM

    It is a real number from ssa to remind you of an upcoming appointment. It just called me and yes I do have an upcoming appointment that I made with them.

  19. 0

    Social Security Admin has been reported with number ‎9724971400 as Trustworthy number

    11/12/20, 2:18 PM

    SS reminder call to fill out medicare extra help form for medications

  20. 0

    K M reported Social Security Admin with the number ‎+19724971400 as Trustworthy number

    9/22/20, 10:40 AM

    Follow-up call from Social security to a letter I received about getting extra financial help to help pay for prescriptions. I did get the letter a couple of weeks ago am transistioning to Medicare next month. Legit.

  21. 0

    Bob reported number ‎+19724971400 as Social Security Admin

    7/29/20, 3:09 PM

    This is indeed valid, I made a phone appointment with and got a call from this number the day before the scheduled phone appointment. It was a reminder and they knew the scheduled time and advised me how to cancel the appointment if I was not available. It appears quite legit and was useful to get. It went to voicemail.

  22. 0

    MsPittsburgh reported Social Security Admin with the number ‎+19724971400 as Trustworthy number

    5/12/20, 7:18 PM

    This call today was my reminder to fill out my Social Security application for help with Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plan. I appreciated the reminder because I had forgotten to fill it out & mail back. 5-12-20

  23. 0

    Yoursobusted!!GetarealJob reported number ‎9724971400 as Social Security Admin

    11/20/19, 4:18 PM

    People that are fake totally hitting this site making false statements or you guys were duped one and had ligit appts and such This is completely a scam number 30 years of computer and knowing it inside and out how to trace numbers etc..Scam people! Notice they leave short Comments and such

    Phil replied 12/7/20, 1:13 PM
    Thanks for your comment. I agree scam. But... I do not have your level of expertise, is there free software available to block or easily spot and delete these calls? Thank you!

  24. 0

    Investigator Moonbelly reported Social Security Admin with the number ‎+19724971400 as Trustworthy number

    9/23/19, 10:56 AM

    I contacted them because I was having issues online. They set up an appointment reminder that someone will call me. However, the person said they would send an email which I did not get leading me to believe that the reason I was having trouble online was because I was somehow hacked?
    I don't know whom to trust anymore!
    They also indicating that I not only would get an email but that the person calling will ask me for my routing number for a bank account?

    Does anyone know if this is customary?

    Law student replied 11/21/19, 11:57 AM
    This is NOT customary. And it is NOT legitimate. No actual company, let alone a governmental organization, will ever ask for bank information over the phone. Don't provide any financial information of the phone. Don't even say you Social Security number over the phone, even if they say they have the final four digits.

  25. 0

    bryn reported Social Security Admin with the number ‎9724971400 as Trustworthy number

    9/16/19, 8:13 AM

    I got a reminder call from the SS office for a phone conference call the next morning re disability. I called back and left a message to cancel the call as it had already been dealt with. They called back exactly 1hour 20 min later as indicated on the wait time from number 469 656 6039 as they had to verify and speak to me re the cancellation

  26. 0

    Me reported Social Security Admin with the number ‎9724971400 as Trustworthy number

    8/28/19, 4:59 PM

    It is a real number and legit. Not a scam. It was a SS Appointment reminder that I set up last month today date is wen/aug23,2019@1640hrEST

  27. 0

    Investigator FTC DNC Spamlist reported Social Security Admin with the number ‎+19724971400 as Harassment calls

    7/9/19, 5:36 AM via FTC Callerlist

    Calls pretending to be government, businesses, or family and friends received in La Vergne, Tennessee. Calling with recorded message (robocalls)

  28. 0

    TJD reported Social Security Admin with the number ‎+19724971400 as Trustworthy number

    6/13/19, 10:58 AM

    SSA automated calling to remind me to fill out application for medicare premium assistance.

  29. 0

    Meeee reported Social Security Admin with the number ‎+19724971400 as Trustworthy number

    5/13/19, 2:55 PM

    Call from Social Security to remind me to fill out a form they sent me,if I need to. I'm glad I got this call, as I had forgotten to fill it out and send it back.

  30. 0

    Social Security Admin has been reported with number ‎+19724971400 as Trustworthy number

    5/13/19, 1:07 PM

    Auto appointment reminder.

  31. 0

    pj reported number ‎9724971400 as Social Security Admin

    3/15/19, 1:45 PM

    Scam call attempting to get the person that answers the phone to reveal PHI (SSN, name, address, DOB, etc.)

  32. 0

    Lori reported number ‎9724971400 as Social Security Admin

    1/4/19, 9:53 PM

    Recorded message telling me about an updated social security application. I hung up. Didn't trust it. I had one call me last month to help me out. I don't respond to recorded messages.

  33. 0

    RMoore reported Social Security Admin with the number ‎+19724971400 as Trustworthy number

    12/18/18, 11:46 AM

    THIS IS NOT A SCAM! It is a legitimate call from Social Security. People get them for different reasons. I got mine because SS had recently sent me a form to fill out if I needed Extra Help with prescription drug costs, and this call was just to remind me to fill out the form and return it in case I did need the help.

  34. 0

    AnnoyedLOLseriously reported number ‎+19724971400 as Social Security Admin

    12/6/18, 11:13 PM

    Reminded me of an appointment that I never made or was otherwise contacted about for 9:06AM yes you read that correctly 9:06am for tomorrow! Get a grip scammers folks aren't that dumb.

  35. 0

    Vicious7745 reported Social Security Admin with the number ‎+19724971400 as Trustworthy number

    10/2/18, 5:49 PM

    SSA/Medicare reminding people to complete the extra help form they were sent for Part D prescriptions.

  36. 0

    Chas reported Social Security Admin with the number ‎+19724971400 as Trustworthy number

    10/1/18, 10:54 AM

    Spam call to cell phone . Call from Texas claimed to be from Social Security which does not have my cell phone number and which I am not eligible for. Mentioned a mailing I did not get. Appear to call people in hope of getting someone who had contact with Social Security

  37. 0

    Sandi reported Social Security Admin with the number ‎9724971400 as Trustworthy number

    7/13/18, 12:28 PM

    This is a reminder call that someone has an appointment at their local Social Security Office.

    If you don't answer the call, they will leave a VERY detailed message for you. What I learned is that our Gov is working for us correctly and calling to remind us of our appointment at our local SS office. I find that helpful so, it's not a scam number.

  38. 0

    Jay reported number ‎+19724971400 as Social Security Admin

    6/12/18, 10:42 AM

    Pretty sure it's a scam.

    Sandi replied 7/13/18, 12:30 PM
    Not it's not a scam number so you should not be reporting it as such.

    It's the Social Security Administration reminder call when someone has an appointment at their local SS office. Your reporting this as 'pretty sure' is not responsible to all those people who have appointments and need this reminder.

  39. 0

    BigP reported number ‎+19724971400 as Social Security Admin

    3/28/18, 1:58 PM

    Received a call from this number which is absolutely a SCAM. They asked for my address and I asked "what address do you have listed since you say you are from Social Security?" Of course they couldn't answer that question and immediately hung up when they realized they were busted.

    If you look at the people who say it is a real social security number, they are also fake people! If you look at the time stamps for when the people who say the number is real, some of those post are made back to back within a minute of each other and some of them left same post more than once. What real person would keep coming to this site to advocate for the validity of this FAKE NUMBER on a continual basis!

    I am reporting all the FAKE people who are lying and saying that this phone number is a real social security administration phone number to both this site administrator and to the authorities!

  40. 0

    AFG reported Social Security Admin with the number ‎+19724971400 as Telemarketer

    3/16/18, 10:33 AM

    They called and left a message about a recent letter from them and then go on to talk about lower med costs if on SS yet if you call back the actual number it comes up wrong instead they want you to call some 800 number they quoted...

    Kay replied 3/20/18, 11:12 AM
    I just got a call from this number. Wouldn't say anything, I hung up. I will report them to the attorney general.

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Most searched telephone numbers in 972497 (Richardson)
Possible ways of writing the number 9724971400
‎0111/972 497 1400
‎(0111) (972) 497-1400